Selasa, 30 April 2013


This text is for questions 1 and 2. 

Zborovska 23,150 00 Phraha 5
Czech Republic
Tel:(02)513.2343 Fax(02)513.2334

December 3, 2012
Post Comptoir
43 Griffith Road
Dinsdale, Hamilton
North Island, New Zealand

Dear Sir or Madam:

     We are interested in becoming distributors for your software products in the Czech Republic. Would you please send us your latest catalogs, descriptive brochures, and terms.
     We are a hardware company that would like to add software to our sales offerings. our annual report is enclosed. we look forward to hearing from you soon.

Faithfully yours,

 Peter Zavel

1. What is attached in the letter?  
    a. Descriptive brochure
    b. Software program
    c. Latest catalogs
    d. Contract terms
    e. Yearly report
2. We can conclude that Peter Zavel ....
    a. writes the annual report himself
    b. is a sales staff of EUTECH, S.R.O.
    c. offers some of his company products
    d. likes to read new catalogue and brochures
    e. is trying to build a business partnership


1. Jawab : E
Jawaban ada di paragrap ke 2 "Our annual report is enclosed".Yang artinya laporan tahunan kami               dilampirkan. Dalam soal ditanyakan apa yang dilampirkan dalam surat itu? Jawabanya "yearly report" karena artinya sama dengan "annual report".

2. Jawab : E
Jawaban ada di paragraph pertama kalimat pertama "We are interested in becoming distributors for your software products...." yang artinya kami tertarik untuk menjadi distributor produk-produk software anda....Jadi bisa disimpulkan bahwa Peter Zavel mencoba untuk membangun sebuah partner bisnis.

This text is for questions 3 and 4.

Hotel Work :
One Month Training Course
Suitable young men and women are invited to apply for places on the one month training course on hotel work organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Hotel Management. Tuition is free of charge and students who succesfully complete the course will be offered employment in the Colony's leading hotels
The training Course will take place from Monday 21st July to Friday 22nd August, from 9a.m. to 4.30 p.m. daily, except Saturdays and Sundays.
Applications for places on the course are welcome for students now in their third year at secondary school, who have good knowledge of English, and have interest in hotel work.
Application forms may be obtained from:
The Hong Kong Institute of Management,
Box 948,
The South China Times.

The closing date for applications is April 29th.

3. Those who successfully complete the course will be given ...
    a. free tuition
    b. a further training course
    c. jobs in big hotels in the colony
    d. a chance to stay in the colony's leading hotels for one month
    e. membership of the Hong Kong Institute of Hotel management
4. What requirement is needed by an applicant to apply for the hotel work training?
    a. Able to speak Mandarin
    b. Secondary school graduate
    c. good knowledge of English
    d. Reputable university graduate
    e. 2-year experience in hotel work


1. Jawab: C
Yang ditanyakan adalah siapa yang berhasil menyelesaikan  kursus maka akan diberikan.....Hal ini sesuai dengan paragraph pertama baris terakhir "....student who succesfully complete the course will be offered employment in ....." yang artinya  siswa yang berhasil menyelesaikan kursus maka akan ditawari sebagai karyawan di ....." jadi jawaban yang cocok adalah pilihan C
2. Jawab: C
Yang ditanyakan adalah persyaratan apa yang dibutuhkan oleh pelamar untuk melamar di hotel tersebut. Jawaban ada di paragraph ke 3"......who have good knowledge of English,......"

1 komentar:

  1. The Casino Hotel, Rohnert Park - Mapyro
    The Casino 충청북도 출장마사지 Hotel in 김포 출장마사지 Rohnert Park, Rohnert Park, Rohnert 의왕 출장안마 Park, Rohnert Park, Rohnert Park, 성남 출장샵 Rohnert 양주 출장샵 Park.
